Vmdk change uuid. vmdk and ALL these files are located on an external support.
Vmdk change uuid If you have such a image make sure you resize to the nearest megabyte first then convert it to vmdk format. Not a support forum! Skip to content. Specify the UUID of the output file. The reported UUID should be noted because you'll need it In my case, I was working with a virtual appliance builtin with CentOS, created to be running on VMware in a format OVA. VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid /VMs/debian. exe convert -p -f vmdk "E:\test\disk1. I have not seen any side effects of changing a VM’s UUID, except for making my backup software happier. Additional information regarding corruption scenarios. This command clones a registered virtual disk image to another image file. VMware vCenter server 7. Quick links. vmdk" UUID changed to: d397030d-ae38-4377-8f63-ed784ad4080f c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>vboxmanage. VM node is overwritten after importing another VM node into Console. The tool worked but the resulting vhdx is not bootable. Renaming the originalname-flat. B. November 2014 It is possible to convert a raw image to a VMDK image with qemu-img like this: qemu-img convert -O vmdk "$_raw" "$_vmdk" I know it is possible to set UUID of the generated VMDK image with: VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid "$_vmdk" "$_uuid" How to identify the VMware vmdk disk file backing a virtual machine. uuid manually (if you look closely it's the same string, just dashes differ), re-register the machine and check the InstanceUUID with PowerCLI (and always, as I already mentioned above, you can create a new machine and attach the disks, that would They set the evaluation order, first the expression between will be executed. vhd" The disk conversion completes successfully, and I can attach it to a local machine without formatting. Finally, we note an important consideration Change UUID for VMDK -Virtual Disk. VMDK Considerations - SOLVED I guess all OP needs is the correct virtio driver in Method to Change VMDK file location. Veeam suggested a possible workaround may be to change the UUID of the VMDK at the destination, however, in our own internal testing this did not work. A short story: I never thought I will need to touch PARTUUID of GPT partition, until now, when I try to migrate Windows from a small disk to a large disk, Windows failed to boot on the large disk and it can't even be repaired automatically. bios of a VM. What you can do. tried remove from inventory and VirtualBox runs well enough under normal circumstances, but once you start moving VHDs around, it might spit out errors. In some cases, if you still required to How can I check the uuid of a vdi or vmdk? There should be some command line on VBoxManage to show it. cylinders = "16383" ddb. Changing the UUID for VirtualBox virtual machines involves editing the virtual machine’s XML configuration file. After that, we check ways to change the UUID of a partition. Not doing so will result in a vmdk that can be attached to a VM at install time but any attempts to add it to a VM at a later I try to change uuid, sethduuid says yes, changed, but in reality and proven by dumphdinfo the uuid has not changed. ; Edit these files to modify the <HardDisks></HardDisks> section to remove the duplicate entry of <HardDisk />. vmdk" # The Disk Data Base #DDB ddb. 2 Yes, and no. After to import in VirtualBox, I had the same issue "dracut-initqueue" after same time appears Is it just a matter of changing the IDE geometry / adapter settings to something appropriate to SCSI in the . Most Linux distributes have the virtio & QXL drivers The virtual machine (VM) FULL recovers, and instant access recovers fails with "Error: Could not update vmx file's 'uuid. vmdk file (to change from IDE to SCSI)? ddb. Jun 2008, 00:24 This behavior can be reproduced when VMDK Descriptor files are moved manually using the Datastore Browser in the vSphere Client UI, when using "mv" commands in ESXi's command line interface, and when VMDKS How to Change the UUID of Virtual Disk. Go to your vm directory where your vmdk file is located and run the following command (assuming your vmdk is In our SAN storage (not local vSAN) there are quite some uuid. exe import (Vbox_Image_Location) --vsys 0 --vmname (VMName) --unit 11 --disk C:\VMDisks\VMName-disk1. 0. action = “keep” that will [] where myimage. There was only one thing that amazed me. There are a The hardware configuration will change which will force you to reactivate Windows. FAQ; Main DISCLAIMER: All feature and release plans are subject to change without notice. Dunno how (or even if you can) you would do it with a vmdk, but VBoxManage clonevdi is how you get a copy of a . toolsInstallType = "4" There was no need to use dsfo/dsfi tools to extract this from the disk. Cannot register the hard disk ‘myDisk1. VMware disk uuid not found: 6000c299-5236-6c99-5a66-75dbe1ec161f . vmx). vmdk. vmdk, . Then, we used a few Linux and VMware commands to create a carbon copy of this virtual hard drive. Retrieve the UUID The UUID of the VMDK can be checked by using SSH to log into the ESXi host and typing the following command, where datastore, VM folder, and VM name are correct for your environment: Find out how to recreate VMDK descriptor files for disks and their snapshots in VMware vSphere virtual machines rename the descriptor file for the new disk to the file we will need for the original disk. This useful when using the command in a pipe. e PHDVBA). vdi output. vmdk -O vhdx -o subformat=dynamic output. exe internalcommands dumphdinfo "E: A word of caution when using qemu-img to convert images for use with VMWare Fusion - Fusion doesn't like disks that aren't sized exactly to the megabyte. In my case, the answer here: How to change UUID in virtual box helped. login via SSH or remotely) vmkfstools -J setuuid <vmname>. Your previous two posts make sense, but I am puzzled as to how I could edit/adapt the bootloader to the new UUID. exe/dsfo. tried changing the machine of esx, same result. In VMware, you could also change the Virtual disk disk UUIDs by examining the proper VMDK descriptor file with a text editor and changing the UUID. uuid = "60 00 C2 93 06 c2 77 4f-84 50 ca 99 75 6e be b4" ddb. There are some slight differences between the VMDK file for Virtual and Physical RDMs. 6- boot. 2-ssh on esx. 0x200) or the dsfi. img is the disk image filename and mysize is its size in kilobytes. img than make a VM and link to that img file and start it. vbox file in a text editor; replace the UUID found in <Machine uuid="{}" with the UUID you got when you ran sethduuid the first time VDI is the native format for VirtualBox and has many advantages over VMDK disk. For example, you have 2 virtual machines VM1 and VM2 with the same UUID (which is called Instance UUID for VMware, and VM UUID for Hyper-V) in the ESXi hosts which are managed by different vCenter VC1 and VC2. Be cautious, as it can be complex and risky. 1. ; May be it is not quite good a way, as I restart VirtualBox, not tried to do it "live", but hopefully this I would like to convert one of my "vmdk's" to "vhd" to run in Win 8. The solution that worked for me is as follows: Make sure VirtualBox Manager is not running. Tested on VMware Workstation 11. RW 62914560 VMFS "VM_name-flat. Repeat steps# 3-8 for the second VM that you want to create: Go to C:\Users\username. You can convert a VDI into a disk image with the VBoxManage tool. When a Virtual Machine is first created with 1 hard disk, all the config files and hard disk vmdk is situated on the one datastore. The result will be an array of strings. i do this : 1- poweroff the machnie. Compare vmdk UUID to Windows Disk UUID Jump to Best Answer. Then another datastore. skolvikings Aug 20, 2019 05:49 PM. Is there a trick to make it bootable? – Dan. You use VBoxManage from command line to clone a VDI file and convert the format to VMDK. There is a second UUID on VMs that is also kept in the vmx file: “vc. Sep 2007, 23:33 Primary OS: Debian Feb 2008, 18:17. ) So I have a VMDK presented (Sharing = Multi Writer) to 2 two different SCSI Controllers (SCSI Bus Sharing is Virtual mode) in the same Virtual Machine and hence it has the same UUID on both buses as it is the same VMDK, the VMDK has the same SCSI LUN ID on both SCSI Buses and everytime I start the VM I get the following message twice which I I have seen the original VM and the Disk UUID is correct. Example: #vmkfstools -J setuuid /vmfs/volumes/ datastore /VM/ vm. uuid” on clones in vCloud. Programs like Ghost, which is used to clone workstations from a master image, change the UUID for each newly installed image. Change the Harddisk uuid and Image uuid: Find the Harddisk uuid and Image uuid and change the uuid to what you found from Step#6. VirtualBox weren't important. You can add an M suffix to give the size in megabytes and a G suffix for gigabytes. All you need to do is to assign a new UUID to the disk image: To verify the previously mentioned problem, we created a virtual hard drive which we then initialized from the guest operating system. ParseUUIDs: got disk uuid from host: 6000c299-5236-6c99-5a66-75dbe1ec161f . vmdk file after running the vmkfstools command is not needed. If you use the option -snapshot, all disk images are considered as read only. I changed 200VMs with this script last days and Backups worked fine again. For example the system UUID as reported when booted on bare metal (also matches dmidecode -s system-uuid in Ubuntu) is 4C 4C 45 44-00 48-44 10-8044-XXXXXXXXXXXX but the system UUID that is reported in Windows when booted in Virtualbox is Virtualbox : change the UUID of a virtual disk Wednesday 6 July 2016 (2016-07-06) Saturday 14 September 2024 (2024-09-14) noraj With a vmdk disk and choosing the UUID : VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid disk. If you have already identified the To workaround this issue, change UUID of VMDK by ESXi command line. Do not use the cp or mv commands to rename virtual disk files. In other words virtualbox does not take any responsibility to repflect the change done in terminal/prompt. ; Now run VirtualBox Manager. xml-prev. July 2014. ova / *. vmdk <- the descriptor; MyDisk-s001. Shut down the VM that you want to change the UUID for. vmdk see here HOW TO: Select the right answer to "I Moved It" or "I Copied It" in VMware vSphere (ESXi) Changing or keeping a UUID for a moved virtual machine (1541) Problems Caused by Duplicate VM UUID. I know I read it some place in the docs, How do I change the UUID of a virtual disk? 0. vdi’ {XXXXXX} because a hard disk ‘oldDisk1. Snapshot mode . 1. Based on my testing of the clone I don't think that I will need it, but I wanted to see if it worked. vdi’ with UUID already exists. vmdk, MyDisk-s002. virtualHWVersion = "10" Additional Information. R&D Forums. VirtualBox\VirtualBox. 10. vmdk etc. MyDisk. Thanks! Here is what worked for me to convert from VmWare Fusion 11. bios' entry. Jan 2022, 19:03, edited 1 time in total. So this Import-Csv will read all the VMnames from the CSV. I do it like this: Issue the VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid my-drive. Top. uuid: ddb. Even though we are using an RDM for storage, a VMDK is used to say where the real data is. Post by jStewart913 » 12. virtualHWVersion = "7" ddb. If the UUID was not changed, then a workstation would encounter obscure errors when The fix tool was to correct a field (in fact the parent UUID field), which was set to an incorrect value in a new VDI header which VBoxManage created when it was used to convert from VMDK/VHD to VDI, and the source VMDK/VHD used snapshots. The disk UUID is distinct and different from other GUIDs inside the virtual machine that identify a NTFS filesystem volume. First, we go over the basic concept of a UUID. uuid = "xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx-yy xx xx xx xx xx 9e 06" ddb. When I opened the Help. vmdk change to uuid-flat. Open the Virtual Machine Connection VBoxManage-convertfromraw 1 VBoxManage-convertfromraw convert a raw disk image to a virtual disk image &product-name; VBoxManage convertfromraw inputfile outputfile--format= VDI VMDK VHD--uuid= uuid--variant= Standard Fixed Split2G Stream ESX VBoxManage convertfromraw stdin outputfile bytes--format= VDI VMDK VHD--uuid= uuid--variant= Standard In this tutorial, we explore ways to change the UUID of a storage medium. vmdk UUID is 12 34 A5 67 89 B0 1C 23-DE 45 6F 78 9A Is it possible to change the uuid of a drive image? Top. rm command to delete them and after deletion command uuid. ddb. . VBoxManage clonehd file. vmdk file. the machine dont apply my change. You simply provide it with the name of your vSAN Cluster and the vSAN Object UUID you wish to query. Actually, problem started when UUID of the main vmdk was changed and . ~JW. Dell Sites. Tweet. deletable = "true" ddb. geometry. vmdk file If you open the "vmdk" file with Notepad ++ (for example), you will see that a unique identifier (called "uuid") is present in it. Instead, use VMware utilities such as vmkfstools. The stdin form of the command forces VBoxManage to read the content of the disk image from standard input. 2. sectors = "63" Then it is vc. Impact/Risks: VM won't power on after It is the tendency of a vm template that when you deploy any vm from them it keeps the disk uuid same for all deployed VMs. I pulled many hairs They change the disk UUID parameter in the vmdk descriptor file in the datastore. Environment. In vMware, a (get-harddisk -vm LucD Aug 20, 2019 07:02 PM Best Answer. i tried with option : uuid. The parameter disk. Looking for quick way to reuse a vdi I preped with Windows XP SP3 and recent updates, Worked on a VMDK (VMWare) disk as well (that I’m using under VirtualBox). vmdk" # Change Tracking File changeTrackPath="VM_name-ctk. mpack Site Moderator Posts: 39134 Joined: 4. Change UUID of VirtualBox vdi. vbox file in TextEdit of the Hard Disks to be that number, then renamed the VM UUID within the same file by just changing one of the You can simply copy the . vmdk already exists Where <uuid> is the UUID of the virtual disk file and consists of a string of numbers. exe convert source. uuid”, despite the name suggesting that this is a vCenter UUID and all VMs have the same in one vCenter, it is in fact an ID that is different for each VM. open a console on unraid and type qemu-img convert -p -f vmdk -O raw /mnt/user/<the location of your vmdk file> /mnt/user/<the location of your new file>. Is it It assigned a new UUID, then I edited the . VBoxManage clonehd <uuid>|<filename> <outputfile> for me they are *. heads = "16" ddb. uuid = "60 00 C2 99 35 3b 32 63-3e fd 9f 72 a5 83 46 c5" To: ddb. vmdk --unit 12 --disk C:\VMDisks\VMName-disk2. The UUID <uuid>. We therefore try to also add this copy to the same virtual machine by clicking on : Add hard di When you power on the virtual machine, VMware Workstation displays a message asking whether you want to create a new unique identifier (UUID) for the virtual machine or To identify the virtual machines with the same UUID, run this command at the CLI via SSH to verify the UUID: vmkfstools -J getuuid . VMware disk uuid not found: 6000c29d-d0d5-8bfb-02d3-49f81d73c621. When sectors in written, they are written in a temporary Maybe it is possible to change de uuid from the vbox files? Regards, Leloup. JshWright Volunteer Posts: 119 Joined: 12. vmdk') is already registered. vhdx. Issue. img --format RAW UUIDs don't just change by themselves, so a solution would involve understanding why the UUID was incorrect, and fixing the problem at source. You can do this by following the steps below: 1. I had no problems calling Windows to reactive mine when I cloned a Windows Server 2008 VDI to run in Fusion. oltlammers Yes, to be compatible with vmware they added a DiskUUID check in Version 12. vmdk file this is the disk ddb. exe internalcommands dumphdinfo "E: thanks for elaborating this VMware KB based solution to avoint duplicate “bios. action = "keep", same result. Additional information regarding descriptor file and change track file. I used datastore. Understand UUID Generation: Familiarize yourself with how VMware Workstation generates UUIDs for moved VMs. 9. Virtual RDM run VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid <VDI/VMDK file> twice (the first time is just to conveniently generate an UUID, you could use any other UUID generation method instead) open the . Your direct line to Veeam R&D. See the qemu-img invocation documentation for more information. vbox file did not reflect the change because as you know thers is not any GUI option in virtualbox to change the UUID. Search. If you've copied a disk (vmdk file) from one machine to another and need to change a disk's UUID in the copy, you don't need to change the Machine UUID as has been suggested by another answer. That was when I discovered that I could simply remove the old media from Media Manager. It will throw warning message. Welcome. In our example, lets try to query the first UUID which is e0ca085a-32d9 From the above we can see that the VM is stuck due to ctk errors. A very limited scenario, a minor bug in a quite complex task initiated by the user. vmdk file will return failure. In windows, a Get-Disk will produce a list of disks with serial numbers. I don't appear to have a UUID, As I understand it, the vm should be registered to be assigned a UUID? Mine is not registered, Can I conclude my "clonehd" statement with vm's ID. vmdk Default Snapshot locations can be found in the GUI as well. Here's how to fix a common problem after moving a VHD. Linux KVM is getting more and more useable for desktop virtualization thanks to the the virtio and QXL/SPICE drivers. Solution. bios = "" 5-save. > VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid mydisk. vmdk" -O vpc -o subformat=fixed "E:\test\newdisk. Back up the files ~\. After you change UUID in all vmdk files you should register virtual machine back using command vmware-cmd -s register; You can confirm that all disk and snapshots are present in Virtual Machine settings; You are done - The steps required to change the UUID of your VM to avoid conflicts. Before doing that we need to confirm that we don't have any locks using the below command: One solution to this problem is to change the UUID of one of the VMs. VMware vCenter server 6. Creating another snapshot (Snapshot_B) and querying the changed disk areas between the two is It did not change the newly split UUID back to the original, but seemingly generated a new one. If you want to convert your virtual disk to another format, this is the official VirtualBox tool to use[*]. Open a command line, directly into the I try to change uuid, sethduuid says yes, changed, but in reality and proven by dumphdinfo the uuid has not changed. uuid = "60 00 C2 9d d0 d5 8b fb-02 d3 49 f8 1d 73 c6 21" I used this tool to convert a vmdk to vhdx. You'd need to unregister VM (Actions -> Unregister), change the value of vc. Hi, sometimes you simply want to copy a vdi file and attach it to another virtual machine. (edit block 0x100. Once the UUID is known it is needed to identify the relevant vmdk disk by for example using the following command on the ESXi host: i had a vmdk from my qnap what i did to get it working is Thx to lots of googling. vmdk VBoxManage. Symptom 1. Mar 2016, 05:18. vdi with a unique UUID. vdi on the drive in question ; Using the output UUID value and replace it in the VMs . adapterType = "lsilogic" ddb. 4- change the value of uuid. Last edited by Leloup78 on 30. Step to change UUID:- Login to ESXi through Putty and go to path where virtual machine is stored. tadak Posts: 2 Joined: 12. For example: I tested it and it did successfully change the serial number which FactoryTalk noticed after rebooting. Once all the VMDK files are recovered, the cloned VM can be reconfigured to use the recovered VMDK "System UUID cannot be changed" - Not true. VMware How can I add the uuid to the image of the hard disk *. However deletion from vCenter WebUI worked fine. Scenario:I have a VM with an existing snapshot, say 'Snapshot_A'. " Skip to main content. Can some one have the solution for the template that everytime when we deploy any vm from template it could generate unique disk UUID. Daniel Redfern December 23, 2014 nervouswiggles. But that’s not to say it couldn’t have adverse effects in your network. 0. This command line changes the UUID of a VDI file. vmdk and ALL these files are located on an external support. Change: ddb. This will fail because in a VirtualBox Installation each vdi Harddisk must have an unique UUID. rm to remobe flat. Copy the UUID(s) following the Failed to realign following Virtual SAN objects: string and save them to a text file. uuid = "60 00 C2 99 35 3b 32 While using such UUID's within enclosed area of identifying VirtualBox VM's is fine, in general, using hand-crafted UUID's could lead to all kinds of disasters. vdi UUID changed to: f668f3e6-25b6-479c-bbe8-8120ba879849 The UUID of the disk is in the . If i query the same disk with the Get-Harddisk command i get the disk information how the vCenter sees it. x. For each of the virtual machine nodes that will be participating in the cluster, Additional information regarding Stream-Optimized Compressed Sparse Extent that contain GD_AT_END and VMDK version 3. Metz. A UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) is a 128-bit number used The function is pretty straight forward to use. Simply, go and change the UUID before attaching the new disk. To get disk image @wouter. However, when I try to create a new VM in Hyper-V or Azure using this VHD, the VM fails to boot with the error: "Boot failure. If the name of the vmdk file differs, you must of course update it. g. uuid which you are looking for (it's also in . However, it is not a completely different UUID, but the same one with the first 3 groups somewhat reversed. April 2014. When you deploy machine from template, template as well as deployed virtual machine will have same UUID for vmdk files (New discovery). vmdk? I have no rights install the kernel modules, Is there a command in VirtualBox for changing the base hard disk UUID location? 5 How to set VirtualBox bios UUID. Incase if UUID has VBoxManage-convertfromraw 1 VBoxManage-convertfromraw convert a raw disk image to a virtual disk image &product-name; VBoxManage convertfromraw inputfile outputfile--format= VDI VMDK VHD--uuid= uuid--variant= Standard Fixed Split2G Stream ESX VBoxManage convertfromraw stdin outputfile bytes--format= VDI VMDK VHD--uuid= uuid--variant= Standard this can be changed at the console (e. I would manually change the UUID on a few PARTUUID of GPT partition. Convert and/or change the uuid of the . Failed to realign following virtual SAN objects:<UUID> due to being locked or lack of vmdk descriptor file, which requires manual fix. This duplicate UUID creates problem in taking the backup from any backup tool (i. Dell Technologies; Premier Sign (VMDK) files may be recovered. J. As we are working within our new Zerto environment, we ran across a workload that required (for licensing) that the UUID of the VMs do not change when being orchestrated for testing recovery. VMDK also has its own advantages over other formats and you can also use vmdk disk with VirtualBox. EnableUUID is necessary so that the VMDK always presents a consistent UUID to the VM, thus allowing the disk to be mounted properly. uuid = "60 00 qemu-img. VMDK file. exe way described above to comment This command expects that the vmdk file is located in the same directory as your working directory. I have always read that files located in C:\Users\XXX\. 1 virtual sys. The reason is that changing UUID of NTFS file system to the original one isn't enough for Windows + UEFI, you VMware vSphere Datastore UUID Change. xml and ~\. vbox file (in my case, in two places). jStewart913 Posts: 8 Joined: 11. Ensure you have backups and follow specific instructions i want to force change the uuid. <- data files; In this case I simply needed to comment out the line: #ddb. Is there a command in VirtualBox I have a new machine that apparently has a duplicate UUID to one that I already have (same person made VM, but still weird to me) Can someone help me give the new one a new UUID? It's got a . vbox / *. new/sda. We have found a solution to this problem by altering the source VMs to include the option “uuid. The vmkfstools command renames both VMDK files and updates the reference within the descriptor. Sep 2008, 16:09 Primary OS: MS Windows 10 VBox Version: VirtualBox+Oracle ExtPack. (However you cannot change the snapshot folder location if you currently have a snapshot saved. I've found various illustrations which all end with the UUID. I have probed changing the root parameter to /dev/sda1 that is the boot partition, but no luck. Re: UUID does not match the value in the registry. 3-vi the vmx file. vmx file in the folder if that matters. 0 If you have looked at VMDK storage, you might remember that a VMDK is a descriptor file, not where data is stored, that is in a VMDK1-Flat. The Problem on VMware side is older - and maybe it can also have some effects there. vmdk and vmfd file, which are not used by any VM anymore. VirtualBox. To resolve the issue we need to temporarily delete/move ctk files. The command to convert a VMDK file in Windows looks like this: qemu-img. Host OS: Windows 7 \BAO-disk1. vmdk file from another vm which has the same size disk, change the name to the appropriate vm name, edit the file (using vi), change the -flat file that it vmkfstools -J setuuid <vmname>. Worked for me could not open/create change tracking file vmdk_file_name Note: For additional symptoms and stack entries, see the Additional Information section. Since having a duplicated UUID is not a good thing, you probably select No, and try another method. VirtualBox\ A hard disk with UUID {55b773b8-cbcb-42ea-9a44-1368b30ed823} or with the same properties ('V:\VBOX\VDI\XP_Work_Template_20GB. December 7, 2013 sysadmintutorials Vmware Posts 2. Onto a Ubuntu image I am working on splitting. vbox, and . This document (7023453) is provided subject to the disclaimer at the end of this document. vmdk <<returns the Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Modify vmdk UUID to work hotadd of VMware vSphere. 11. Just to name: a crash in Delphi 4 on machines with S3 ViRGE cards due to a clash of UUID's in D4 ActiveX interfaces with those defined in display drivers. qkpksjhjimjjfuwkdymfqbmtyyhpgdudesmwgqpvlrejnmnbjabrlgcobdquoberjkadeuvnfpwqndjm