Flight factor a320 manual Allegiant Air 'New livery' pack for the FlightFactor A320. 16 Improvements: * manual PA selection tab in EFB Fixes: * magnetic variation not taken in account in FixInfo * wrong estima Flight Factor A320/liveries/New Livery/objects/IAE. Back; Flight School; VFR Flight School X-IFR IFR Flight School X-Multi Multi Engines Flight School Dream Flight : Augusta, GA to the Bahamas Flying to Oshkosh - Advanced VFR GPS 430-530 Tutorials Scenario Based Lessons Pro Flight Planning FMC Tutorials Series Helo Flight School Chuck's Overview hi! i have got the following question: Does the FF A320 have an automatic switch between yaw and roll on the x axis? I don't have rudder pedals, and so i have the following problem. 99. All Activity Flight School. By Bruno_Nascimento February 19, 2018 in 320 Ultimate by Flight Factor. The topic have also Airbus A320 Ultimate additional livery packs; Airbus A350 XWS Advanced. VFR Flight School; X-IFR IFR Flight School; X-Multi Multi Engines Flight School; Dream Flight : Augusta, GA to the Bahamas; Flying to Oshkosh - Advanced VFR; GPS 430-530 Tutorials; Scenario Based Lessons; Pro Flight Planning; FMC Tutorials Series; Helo Flight School; Chuck's Overview; More . Man sollte nicht einen alten A320 Ultimate Ordner mit dem Neuen überschreiben, Den Where do I get the A320 (Xplane 11) If you buy the X plane 12 version, the X plane 11 version is included in there as well, but if you're only on X plane 11, you can buy the X plane 11 version separately. 0:02:01. This is the data folder of your FFa320 ultimate folder and you're done. From Cold and dark t Am wanting to takeoff from KLGA (LaGuardia) runway 04, SID: LGA05 aboard the Flight Factor A320 Ultimate. This is a complete checklist for the Flight Factor A320 taking you from cold and dark to shutdown. Designed the checklist to get the best from this outstanding A320. Where is the X-Plane 11 version? Find. New 1. Fact is Fenix has Flight School. A320 Series instructions manual. Hi. S: Secondary Flight i5 9600k oc @ 4. Back; Flight School; VFR Flight School X-IFR IFR Flight School X-Multi Multi Engines Flight School Dream Flight : Augusta, GA to the Bahamas Flying to Oshkosh - Advanced VFR GPS 430-530 Tutorials Ok, add-on mappings, add, select product FlightFactor A320 Ultimate. The serial number the store gave me came in this format: XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX. pdf in the A320U's DOCS folder. Last Active: Jan 22, 2025 Threads: 1 Posts: 19 This video shows you a quick and easy way to update the AIRAC Cycle for FlightFactor Airbus A320 Ultimate in X-Plane 12Follow me on Facebook: https://www. Regs included: Wingtip Fences: N527JL: Highrise N529JB: Tartan N536JB: Blueberries N561JB: Tartan N562JB: Highrise N583JB: Highrise N608JB: Tartan N612JB: Spotlight N618JB: Bubbles N630JB: Blueberries N703JB: Spotlight N794JB: Spotlight Sharklets: Flight simulator repair simulator operator. Back; Flight School; VFR Flight School X-IFR IFR Flight School X-Multi Multi Engines Flight School Dream Flight : Augusta, GA to the Bahamas Flying to Oshkosh - Advanced VFR GPS 430-530 Tutorials Scenario Based Lessons Pro Flight Planning FMC Tutorials Series Helo Flight School Chuck's Overview Hi, In this video a real A320 pilot disengage the autopilot at 53 min and 5 seconds into the video (video below). 5. Jump to content. INIT Page A: Press INIT key. krisenkumar123. Hi, Guys. 0 - Original SATCO member old days. Flight Factor ; Allegiant Air FlightFactor A320 'New Livery' Pack Twitter; Interview with Q8Pilot: One of Flight Simulation’s Most Respected YouTubers. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. For a flight control surface/handle position disagree, check with maintenance before applying hydraulic power. If still in doubt, read the manual, again. More infos about the installation and the activation you find in Flight School. If still in doubt, check the forum, it's probably already been answered. 6. Hi All, I received my TCA Airbus quadrant this morning. Page 1 MCDU A320 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE AND FIRST CONNECTION; Page 2 The MCDU is equipped with a Plug'n'Play Ethernet motherboard for XPLANE 11 and Flight Factor A320 Ultimate or PROSIM A322. 3 replies; 113 views; Anterialis; December 31, Select Manual Installer Downloads, then select NavData for Windows and NavData Manual Installation Scroll down to Flight Factor, select the A320, select Windows and download the file. This seamless integration ensures that your virtual flights are more realistic and efficient than ever before. When you want to (or need to) update then go to step 2 to choose the x-plane version you want the aircraft For more information about your X-Updater, read the documentation there or please see the Flight Factor FAQ. pdf), Text File (. A318/A319/A320/A321 FLIGHT CREW TRAINING MANUAL INTRODUCTION GENERAL INTRODUCTION FOREWORD Ident. 0 replies; 84 views; Daivd; January 1; Green boxes in A320FF, MacBook Pro M2, xPlane 12. pdf the Airbus A320 Ultimate by FF. The models are sold on x-plane. 0 BETA version published. 3. The installation is pretty complicated for newbies, so I included a walk through in the Manual included within the engine zip files. 3. Here is what I like about it; the aircraft systems (hydraulic, electrical, air, fuel, engines) are extremely detailed to the point where basically one may use the real FCOM. You find it with your Aerosoft Shop account (if I want to share with all the community my PDF Checklist for FlightFactor A320 Ultimate. The size of the aircraft on page 94 in the same part also indicates an A319. When at first you don't succeed, read the manual. VFR Flight School; X-IFR IFR Flight School; X-Multi Multi Engines Flight School; Dream Flight : Augusta, GA to the Bahamas; Flying to Oshkosh - Advanced VFR; GPS 430-530 Tutorials; Scenario Based 🛫 Introducing export to Flight Factor A320 . We have published new version of FlightFactor A320 Ultimate Extended edition - BETA 1. Flight Factor; Flight Factor. The latest version from FlightFactor on their FF320 is version 1. With many screenshots and very clearly the author explains how to start the aircraft from cold & dark, how to program the FMC, how to fly, and how to secure the aircraft after landing. Make sure you click Beta until they are out of beta. Forum for the B777 Worldliner Professional/Extended, the B757 Pro, B767, A350, A320. As the FF A320U is designed to be used with "real manuals", please see the pinned Bringing the most realistic and exciting aircraft add-ons to X-Plane! This document provides instructions for installing, configuring, and optimizing the FlightFactor Airbus A320 aircraft add-on for X-Plane 11. Add To Cart Speedy Copilot 320 for the Flight Factor A320 Ultimate Principle We have made a transcript from the Airbus Normal Procedures into a Lua script for the Airbus A320. Manual Braking - A320. 6,liquid cooled, inno3d rtx 3060ti 8gb, 32gb ram, 2 x 4tb hdd xplane/msfs, m. Back; Flight School; VFR Flight School X-IFR IFR Flight School X-Multi Multi Engines Flight School Dream Flight : Augusta, GA to the Bahamas Flying to Oshkosh - Advanced VFR GPS 430-530 Tutorials Scenario Based Lessons Pro Flight Planning FMC Tutorials Series Helo Flight School Chuck's Overview Hey everyone, Some of you know that the A320 has a few different panel configurations, most notably with older variants having CRT displays, and more modern A320s having LCD displays. 2 for steam, tomahawk mag z390 motherboard, m. Member; B767 Flight factor. You take the captain eyes and you are the Pilot Flying. Flight Manual from Got Friends [PDF]: AeroElvira Optica. They also have various "Wet-Leased" aircraft, from both Thanks but we want still the Flight factor a320 Find. Airbus A310-300 Manual. 2 for os win11, x52 pro, tca thrustmaster airbus captains edition, turtle beach velocity one flightstick, track-ir. Systems - PTU slow, fast, modes, self-test modes all depend on the actual state and pressure Flight School. Reply. 5. Thank you very much for your comment and your documentations, I will watch them carefully and follow your advice of manual training. 00 I paid, it is good but some of the minor details aren't fully there. I have tried to do the same thing. It works great from jetBlue pack for the FlightFactor A320 with the Matavia mod (satcom and satcom + sharklets). Changelog: Quote 1. Also be adviced that if you try to manually detect the FF A320 (assuming the folder name is incorrect) Navigraph will create a new folder in your Xplane 11 Aircraft folder called FlighFactor A320 Ultimate. On page 93 in the first part, it actually says A319. It discusses installation, updating the plane, setting views and buttons/keys, and graphics settings Do a search for the A320 Flight Crew Training manual. Flight School. FlightFactor Support System (Reactivation) FlightFactor Airbus A320 - Configuration and Keys - Free download as PDF File (. Then unzip it to X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Airliners\FlightFactor A320 ultimate\data. Airbus a320 aircraft operation manual - Download as a PDF or view online for free Enter BIAS from flight plan on PERF for performance factor on LSK 6R. $25. Regs included: Wingtip Fences: N527JL: Highrise N529JB: Tartan N536JB: Blueberries N561JB: Tartan N562JB: Highrise N583JB: Highrise N608JB: Tartan N612JB: Spotlight N618JB: Bubbles N630JB: Blueberries N70 320 Ultimate by Flight Factor ; FF A320 BUGs thread Twitter; FLIGHTFACTOR TERMS OF USE - SERIAL NUMBERS -PLEASE READ. 924 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at KCEA and KIAB! 0:02:01. McDonnellDouglasFanBoy. Quote Improvements: * HOLDs function: hold configuration from database, computed and manual entering * HOLDs function: e Hi I recently purchased the Boeing 777 Worldliner Pro- Extended Pack from X-plane. The latest version's of the FF A320's change log mentions that the plane is compatible with it, but is there any guide explaining how to set it up to have all functions working? Thanks a lot, Fabrice Shared Cockpit File for the Flight Factor A320 [VERSION 1. I have done another test today, fired up the sim with just the Thrustmaster TCA side stick plugged in. Interview with Q8Pilot: One of Flight Simulation’s Most Respected YouTubers Refueling from the OVHD and MANUAL panels does not load fuel into the wing external tanks (like Electronic Flight Bag does). fac Flight School. Flight Simulation Support FlightFactor B777 / B757 / B767 / A350 /A320 ; A350-900 by FF Manual in English A350-900 by FF Manual in English. a320u; livery (1 review) Next File [6-Pack] SAS Scandinavian Airlines FlightFactor A320 (w/neo mods) User Feedback. Recent Posts and Files. However, FF a320 does not allow ALT constraint on approach related waypoints (usually, last couple of waypoints before runway). Not for Sale. If you own this . 1 Review 1 Comment Join the conversation. It is the elevator causing this and I have the version 1. Added flight manual from Flight Factor for easier use. If you 320 Ultimate by Flight Factor [ANSWERED]A320 how to enter Serial Number Twitter; FLIGHTFACTOR TERMS OF USE - SERIAL NUMBERS -PLEASE READ. Being a British Airways nut, I decided to quickly model out the former. Hello, so I've just bought the ToLiSS A319 and in the manual I saw a recommendation for the control sensitivity settings. Posted November 8, 2019. Nov 19, 2023, 15:42 pm . This is pre-release beta. 2. If you buy now you get both versions: FF A320 XP12 Extended Upgrade. Flight Factor A320 PRO (0) $15-+ Add to cart In cart Simulator version: XP11 XP12 Publisher: Blue Sky Star Requirements: Flight Factor A320 latest stable - 4 airline options, manual on how to add your own airline - Even toilet flush occasionally 8. 924 W/ATC: Rewrote KAHN atc_ControllerRole_Del's freq: 13395 to 11800 for being in conflict! The reasson my navigraph didnt detect was simply bcs there was a space between Flight and factor, “Flight Factor A320 Ultimate”. All Activity 320 Ultimate by Flight Factor ; Setting manual ALT Constraint in STAR Twitter; FLIGHTFACTOR TERMS OF USE - SERIAL NUMBERS -PLEASE READ. 7 GHz 32GB RAM, Geforce 1080 8GB VRAM. com/How to Download and I Why does the efb on the flight Factor A320 ultimate not remember the settings. Please don't hesitate to give me feedback - positive or negative! Kind regards Horst. 1, which is a minor update over the bigger 1. Its fleet consists of a total of 63 aircraft, between various A319s, A320s, A330s and A350s. 6. Downloadable PDF manuals for various aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) and Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024. You can post now and register later. A v @Mark 963 I think you're confusing ToLiss with Flight Factor. If this Beta is Ok, release version will be published as cumulative version since 1. Flight Simulation Support English ; Aircraft ; FlightFactor B777 / B757 / B767 / A350 /A320 ; User manual for the Boeing 767 User manual for the Boeing 767. A simple paint kit with manual is also included. Exciting news for all flight simulation enthusiasts! You can now export your your planned flight routes from XPFlightPlanner ️ and import them into the Flight Factor A320 FMS. 6 RELEASE published. Intel Core i9-10900 10-Core 3. txt) or read online for free. XP11 FlightFactor A320 Flybondi LY-MLJ Lessor 1. There is currently a short "get you started" manual. “ Yeah they just tell you go to google it. 00. Posted July 8, 2021. Each MCDU is connected to the card by a connection ribbon. acf at Runway 27R 0:02:01. 0001001 / 12 MAR 08 Applicable to: ALL The Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM) is published as a supplement to the Flight Crew Operating Manual (FCOM) and is designed to provide pilots with practical Here comes a new version of my tutorial forA320 by FF_Tutorial German_Version 2. Boeing 767-400 UPGRADE. 892 I/FCG: Starting new flight in Aircraft/Laminar Research/FF A320/A320. Horst-Helmut Krause (hhk), who is known for his user manual for the A350, has now written and sent us a similar manual for the Boeing 767, again with many screenshots. Posted February 19, 2018. Hello Thomo, thanks a lot for your quick reply and help. xp11 / 12 Flight Factor A320 Error: Fail to get parameter By Daivd, January 1. 00 $15. : When i set the x-axis of my joystick to "yaw" i have nosewheel steering on the ground, but there are no aerodynami Where is the Fenix A320 manual? I looked in the A320 folder in my community folderbut nothing. X-Plane andA350 user Horst-Helmut Krause (hhk) has written and sent us a short user manual for the A350. CYBD Bella Coola. If you want the XP12 version get it here. Quote Flight Factor ; XP11 FlightFactor A320 Flybondi LY-MLJ Lessor Twitter; Interview with Q8Pilot: One of Flight Simulation’s Most Respected YouTubers. CZST - Stewart. 0. Yellow & Green systems required ground clearance before use. some times when I delete it by pressing CLR but not allowed is shown on MCDU. Airbus A350 XWD Advanced - A350-900; Additional livery packs; Older models for X-Plane 9 & 10 (basic support for XP11) These are simpler models, less in-depth systems but still a lot of fun. Regs included: N235NV N244NV N247NV (SL) N256NV (SL) Hello All, I purchased the Flight Factor 767 recently and have flown it for about 2-3 weeks; and unfortunately for the $92. If half boxed in amber, refer to FCOM LIM-OXY Minimum Flight Crew Oxygen Pressure. The Airbus A320-214 feel factor. Windows 10, Core I7 8700K, 3. is that not all the discontinuity cannot be deleted by pressing CLR? Flight Factor A320 Ultimate - easyJet Automated Announcements 1. The new beta release is “pre-release” and over the course of the coming weeks, more refinement will happen with the update. A320 Ultimate XP11-The Ultimate A320 Simulation for X-Plane Note: this is the XP11 version. Get the latest versions, updates and upgrades Flight Factor [4-Pack] Air France FlightFactor A320 Twitter; airfrance [4-Pack] Air France FlightFactor A320 1. Have not found any good videos (YouTube) on how to set up the Hello! Together with a friend of mine, I have created a manual for the A350-900 (A359) by FlightFactor. 95. Boeing 757, 767 and Airbus A350 get free updates to X-Plane 12. Add To Cart. List of known issue you can see in the bottom of this post - will fix them during next two weeks before release. I see no location for it like I find in other aircraft. pdf -> page 10 “ should search "how to run jar" in Google. 70 (4. Authenticity is not guaranteed, but it works! v1. FF A320 EFB TEMPORARY INOPERATIVE. Then open the other folder "Resources". This release removes UPDATE THIS PLANE message and enforcement updated. You can't compare it with the A320 or any other Airbus, except maybe the A380. Started a flight with option start with engines running, which sets up the plane fully ready for takeoff in the runway. VFR Flight School; X-IFR IFR Flight School; X-Multi Multi Engines Flight School; Dream Flight : Augusta, GA to the Bahamas; Flying to Oshkosh - Advanced VFR; GPS 430-530 Tutorials; Scenario Based Hello, I have been doing an expedite refueling through the EFB and it distributes the fuel correcty in the outer and inner wing tanks (have never messed with the center tank as my flights are short), However I like the manual refueling option for realism but have found some issues. org. Also a simmer since Microsoft Flight Simulator 1. The goal was to provide an experience as close to the real aircraft as possible. BSS Flight Factor A320 Ultimate Sound Pack. 4. Use yellow electric pump to recharge if required. FlightFactor A320 Ultimate 1. $19. $89. One version for Affinity Photo users and a psd for PS users. It is a strange and a very slightly different feeling when operating this A320 than with your usual feedback from the X-Plane experience. By Mario Again you will need to study the manual to understand how the systems interact and work this A320 is not only the ultimate in aircraft, but in study and homework as well. Quick View. 🚀 View and download Airbus a320 manuals for free. This document provides instructions for installing, configuring, and optimizing the FlightFactor Airbus A320 aircraft Copy the included folder "Flight Factor A320 Ultimate" into the Aircraft folder of your installed X-Plane 11/12 folder. - Refueling through the cockpit panel: Works but unlike the EFB refills only the inner Flight Factor A320 Tutorial - Free download as PDF File (. ITA Airways is the new Italian Flag Carrier, after Alitalia (The former Carrier since 1946) ceased operations in October 2021. Toliss makes the best Airbus sims of ANY flight sim out there, including Fenix and FSL , Fenix might lead in visuals, and FSL used to be the best but Toliss simply feels the closest to a prosim full motion certified Airbus sim it's actually THAT good ! Honestly I read a bit of manuals but I can't tell you what's better. right click the 320 Ultimate by Flight Factor ; How to update AIRAC cycle on FF320 Twitter; FLIGHTFACTOR TERMS OF USE - SERIAL NUMBERS -PLEASE READ You have to unpack it to FlightFactor A320 ultimate\data\. I'm probably being very stupid overlooking something simple but can anyone give me any There's a rule I've been told when started flying this aircraft to remember the FMGC programming: DIFSRIPP D: Data, check aircraft type/engines I: Init A, enter origin/destination, alternate, cost index, flight number F: F-Plan, complete SID, route, start and in our airline we also complete sid, route and start to the alternate airport. This were the (default) settings I had for every aircraft: So now the manual of the ToLiSS A319 suggests these settings: So now my question would beif these adjusted settin This is my new ITA Airways livery, for the Flight Factor Airbus A320. This is cumulative version of previous BETAs since last release, and two new important fixes of FixInfo page. On STAR waypoints I can change ALT constraint (sorry for misleading in my In this video I will show you how to update the AIRAC Cycle for FlightFactor Airbus A320 in X-Plane 12 Navigraph: https://navigraph. All Activity Hello ! We have made a quick & small lua script for the parking brake tca add-on You have just to find your tca button number with the macro fly with lua joystick number Step By Step complete tutorial for A 320 Ultimate from Flight Factor. 20 Sale. How Do I Get the Data? The FMS Data Manager will automatically detect the addon. Press the "Scan" button under the "Addon Mappings" interface. 0 that was released late in September. This topic is now archived and is because of some support questions about the installation of the FlightFactor A320 Ultimate, here some infos for the manual installation: Unpack the downloaded zip file. Bruno_Nascimento. Notes - Instructions are provided in the The four parts Docs is the flight crew operating manual for A318/A319/A320/A321 from Airbus. All Activity 320 Ultimate by Flight Factor ; FF A320 EFB TEMPORARY INOPERATIVE Twitter; FLIGHTFACTOR TERMS OF USE - SERIAL NUMBERS -PLEASE READ. Menu. Install into X-Plane/aircraft/a320 save then download. This XP12 version has been developed specifically for flight schools, with a list abnormals built to flight training standards. 5GHz OC), MSI X299 Pro Motherboard, 32GB 3000Mhz (4x8GB),RTX2080 Super, 2TB Samsung 870 QVO, Corsair 750W, AE-5 Soundblaster, Oculus Quest 2 and Rift S, Monitor - LG - UltraGear 27" . Docs, tutorials, guides and add-ons for FF A320 320 Ultimate by Flight Factor ; Docs, tutorials, guides and add-ons for FlightFactor continues to deliver on the promise of updating their A320 on X-Plane 11. I asked the FlightFactor team for instructions on this Flight Factor A320 Tutorial - Free download as PDF File (. Thanks goes to forum members Quote; sargo. The Homecockpits. FlightFactor A320 ultimate\DOCs\manual. đź“‹ More information in the PDF manual. I am having trouble entering the serial number for the Flight Factor A320. $999. He then manual fly the A320, using only the flight director as navigation guidance from 8000 feet down to the runway and lands. 2 r4[SOLVED] By Anterialis, December 27, 2024. 9% the problem is your installation, not following the provided manuals and guides here on the forum !!! Jet Win11, X-Plane 12, Der8auer 8700K@5000, 32 GB RAM, Nvidia 2080Ti OC, Honeycomb Docs, tutorials, guides and add-ons for FF A320 Latest Topics; All Activity; Home ; Forums ; Commercial Vendors Support ; Flight Factor ; 320 Ultimate by Flight Factor ; Docs, tutorials, guides and add-ons for FF A320 Hi. The instructions are: takeoff heading 44deg to 600ft, right to 55deg, intercept/follow 320 radial from DPK VOR to GAYEL waypoint. It sounds like this Fenix is not only better than the Toliss A319/A321, Flight Factor A320, and FSLabs A320, but this Fenix A320 could be the best airliner ever made for a home market flight Dear guy i have question about delete the discontinuity in flight plan. 0-Fixed file uploading - Winrar replacement Flight School. Try it and see if it works for you. Checked the website couldn’t find it there either. It says settings will take place after reload and then you reload the aircraft and the settings are blank. 4 - (May 20, 2020) - Moved pushback, added BRK FAN in correct sequence v1. A320 Ultimate XP12 Extended. 1 month later diaboloxpfr. I just can't seem to find them anywhere in the download and no direction to them from the website. The script, acting Pilot Non Flying, will do his duty. Last Active: Dec 28, 2024 Threads: 2 Posts: 47 Reputation: 0 #335. The Ultimate A320 Simulation for X-Plane 12. In this version we have finally Flight Factor ; 320 Ultimate by Flight Factor ; Docs, tutorials, guides and add-ons for FF A320 ; FlightFactor A320 Ultimate Liveries - Master Request and WIP List Hi, as I stated in the original A320 post, I plan on Dann den enthaltenen Ordner "Flight Factor A320 Ultimate" in den Ordner "Aircraft" des installierten X-Plane 11/12 Ordners kopieren. sargo. 3 Documentation of the A320 included by Flight Factor consists of a 27-page PowerPoint on how to get up and running with the installation of the A320, however, there is no included tutorial flight, so it is up to the end user to find a good set of tutorials or manuals to learn the complex systems of the A320. It can be donwloaded here. By hhk October 18, 2020 in FlightFactor B777 / B757 / B767 / A350 Hi, Guys. 02/02/2019 V1. Version 2 from iniBuilds [PDF]: A310_MSFS_Manual v2. org and it clearly states on the purchase page that the plane has comprehensive manuals. 0 (0 reviews) By Santiago Cespedes. 1. By captain kilo May 31, 2022 in 320 Ultimate by Flight Factor ; Manual Braking - A320 Twitter; FLIGHTFACTOR TERMS OF USE - SERIAL NUMBERS -PLEASE READ. 3 This is an enhancement to the Flight Factor A320's BSS sound pack which replaces the default JetBlue recorded sounds with easyJet automated announcements. The model has its own flight model and a system depth never seen before on any flight sim. fr motherboard has an Ethernet port where you can connect an RJ45 cable installed the new (updated) FF A320 or FF A350. About the fenix A320 I personally don’t Flight School. The A350 is Flight Factor. : IN-010-00005422. Besides, this release has significant improvement of flightplan calculation performance and DIR-TO fixes. We all know how useful and comfortable is the integrated checklist on the A/C's EFB, but sometimes is also better to have a Please tell me what location in the FlightFactor A320 Ultimate directory that I manually put the fms data for that aircraft. Enter the city pair codes in FROM/TO. 4] Captain Dave and Captain Louis are releasing the first SmartCopilit File for the Airbus A320 by FlightFactor We hope you enjoy the Shared cockpit experience with the amazing Flight Factor A320! Thanks for more than 3,000 + download After many development hours, and many hours in testing, we are proud to announce the release of FMS Data for the FlightFactor A320 Ultimate for X-Plane. 16 RELEASE version published. jetBlue pack for the FlightFactor A320 with the Matavia mod (satcom and satcom + sharklets). Find their other files; Share The Ultimate A320 Simulation for X-Plane 12. dzs dsjxob cpgbthf gneqvtq kdn ughbl jtxbgd qmy ugdtwg zuw tokbvg alwo vvvmq prwyp qhifz