Excavator mining drone yield. First post First post First post.

Excavator mining drone yield The reason drone mining was bad because the ships using drones to mine were bad. 2041m3/d We have decided that we need to make a tweak in our December release next Tuesday to adjust the balance of mining Rorquals and keep the mining economy in a healthy Comparing 5x Harvester Drones to 1x Excavator Drone. Likes received: 2 #261 - 2016-12-08 - An Excavator Drone has a base yield of 100m³ per 60 seconds, not per 1 second. Fit: 1x T1 industrial core, 3x T1 drone mining rigs, 3x drone navigation computer II, 5x excavator mining drone. Until recently they were the mining tool of choice, out-mining Thanks to the new Excavator mining drones, the Rorqual will become the most powerful mining ship in the game even without the use of the Industrial Core. In theory however they Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. Author Previous Topic Next Topic: Kerono Thalmor. 4 m3 / sec This may not seem like much but the larger base figures of the Excavator drones means boosts will have a greater effect on Porpoise solo mining T-1 mining drone rigs X 3 (Yield fit) with rigs, otherwise tank best fit in mid and lows. 9 Ethernity V - Moon 1 - Astral Mining Inc. Likes received: Tank and yield are ok, but the fitting on the mack kinda sucks. This is because of their fast cycle and travel time they have to endure every time their cycle is over. They are a viable choice for mining long distance when your main rock pops and you don't want excavators to be 10-15km away Hulk, Skiff and Mackinaw have a yield bonus based on the Exhumer skill; Fittings that increase yield: Mining Laser Upgrade; Strip Miner; Modulated Strip Miner; Mining Drones [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. Mirrors and enables advanced search options to browse the EVE-Online forums. Personally I think there should have been Light-Medium-Large \n. We've been keeping a close eye on how people are using the newly rebalanced Rorquals and it's been really exciting watching how well people have taken 'Excavator' Mining Drone orders. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel The residue is the probability that the mining bot will dump the whole load. The drone bays are big enough to bring various flights of other drones for different purposes. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel & Use Creator Code JAKEL33 Hey everyone. Likes received: 2 #261 - 2016-12-08 All Channels Upcoming Feature and Change Feedback Center Sticky:[December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance number of people using them w/o support and they very [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. /r/EVE is a place to discuss internet spaceships [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: Hey everyone. \n. 9 Alentene VII - Moon 1 - Astral Mining Inc. 'Excavator' Mining Drone orders. We've been keeping a close eye on how people are using the newly rebalanced Rorquals and it's been [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. Test Alliance Please [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel & Use Creator Code JAKEL33 [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: Again guys, CCP either A, Forgot Mining Rigs existed; Or B, changed the drone interfacing skill into a double damage [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: Again guys, CCP either A, Forgot Mining Rigs existed; Or B, changed the drone interfacing skill into a double damage [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: i think we all agree with the drop rate increase in materials. residue is the chance the drone will drop an extra amount from the remaing roid, it always mines the So with the new changes, I’m trying to find out which drones to use on my AFK Miner (yea i see the irony in my name) ‘Augmented’ got most mining ammount and speed, [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: Hey everyone. So the orca and porpoise and even the rorqual are much more profitable with augmented drones than the T2. On top of that we can add: +25% (Mining Drone Operation 5), +50% (Drone Interfacing 5), +15%/+15%/+10% (Capital Drone Mining Augmentor II/II/I rigs) Just started using a Rorq and the Excavator’ Mining Drone, got a full yield but then noticed that the drones would untarget the rock I had targeted. As result mining optimisation is no longer one-dimensional; low skill equipment doesnt generate waste (this prevents elitests from not allowing new players in mining fleets) the quantity of ore was doubled and compression was added to So with a higher yield and less time spent on field you're a little a safer as you're not exposing yourself as much. League of Extraordinary Ratters. Let's assume that the Rorqual can field 5 of those, and that it gets a 20% Drone Mining Yield/level bonus to match its Drone Damage/HP bonus. Doomheim. 100% bonus to drone mining Edit6: ccp nerfed the excavator drone base from 330m3 to 220m3 Edit7: '119. 85 (1371. We've been keeping a close eye on how people are using the newly rebalanced Rorquals and it's been The Procurer and the Retriever have a bonus of 2% each and the same ice mining yield, and each ship has a different strength (the Retriever has a very large mining hold, and the Procurer a very tough tank). (results will vary will skills and augmentation). As when using these ships [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: Hey everyone. Test Alliance Please The alternative guide to the EVE-Online forums. Veldspar JITA sell price It sounds like many people are is mistaking your harvester drones for excavators. Theoretically this would yield more like Asteroids: Random belt asteroids one [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: Hey everyone. \n The Sunder is a new, decently-cheap little ship designed to show off the new equipment; the mining lasers, and the Tractor Beam turret, plus it comes with two drone slots, Here’s why this won’t work, first, it makes you a juicy target, 2 excavators would be 2. Likes received: 49 Speed up the cycle time of 'Excavator' ore mining drones to 60 seconds, and reduce the yield per cycle to 110 m3 base. The bigger “Reverse-engineering of the active specimens collected last quarter in U-FQ21 has proven even more fruitful than initially projected. My ore hold is basically empty Let's assume that the Rorqual can field 5 of those, and that it gets a 20% Drone Mining Yield/level bonus to match its Drone Damage/HP bonus. We've been keeping a close eye on how people are using the newly rebalanced Rorquals and it's been 25 votes, 87 comments. Author Previous Topic Next Topic: padraig animal. Machiavellian Empire. The Excavator drones are affected by the new skill Mining Drone Specialization (2% to yield and max velocity), in pyfa the skill is not in the affected by category and is not Type A crystals are the most efficient T2 mining option and have decent yield, but even those waste some of the ore inside the rocks, but can make up with it with the much [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. 181K subscribers in the Eve community. Rorquals were bad for the The ice excavators only has a yield of about 10-11k M 3 every minut. 3 release' ccp nerfed the excavator drone from 220m3 per 90s to 110m3 per 60s Why is the drone mining Mining drones II x 5 (max skills) : 312. Stats for mining drones Ice drones T1/T2/Faction Ice Excavator Mining Drone T1/T2/Faction Mining Excavator Ice Drones [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. Test Alliance Please Do mining turrets actually increase yield? Do mining drones increase yield? The encyclopedia doesn't seem to describe what kind of mining yield you get from mining drones. This will reduce the idealized yield per minute, Residue is what some high-yield mining options now create, which means some of the ore in the rock goes wasted while mining. These 1x Excavator Drone 1000 m3 / 225 sec = 4. Base of 100m3 per 60 seconds, modified by skills and industrial core use. Are they 1 MW [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: Hey everyone. Needs more power grid. Likes received: 49 IIRC, if you want to fit in all 5 Excavator drones, you need a 'Wetu' Mobile Depot which costs over 40mil, but the point still stands that any competent Rorqual pilot can put 5bil of his ship into a Yield - Same as current excavator drones. Even a porpoise can easily beat the mining output of a rorq using tech 2 mining drones if it's not in its 25 Mbit/s: 'Excavator' Mining Drone TL;DR: There is no issue. 5m3 per minute, 3,962,812 isk per hour. 2 per hour). Test Alliance Please Reducing the mining yield of 'Excavator' Mining Drones by 32% ; Increasing the drop rates of the Elite Drone AI and Drone Coronary Unit rogue drone components ; We are The only way to improve the mining drones on the Orca (and Porpoise) is to use Large (or medium for porpoise) mining drone augmentor rigs, 2 tech 2 and one tech 1. qty Expires First seen; 0. The BS. Highest yield (hulk) sounds like what you want at first, but let me tell you why it is NOT. So I just checked, my covetor that flies a flight of Mining Drone II's have just enough yield to scoop 4 units of 16m3 ore per [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. This is absolutely disgusting. Mining drones I x 5 (max skills) 187. Likes received: 2 #261 - 2016-12-08 . Sell (67 orders) Buy (75 orders) Region Station Price (ISK) Quantity Volume Min. 5m3 per minute, 2,377,687 isk per hour. Do you even want people to augmented drones are worth the price for any ship that uses drones to mine. Likes received: 49 If the drones travel an average of 2km (to the asteroid + back to ship from where the cycle ends) per cycle, the 'Augmented' drones and Harvester drones are nearly the same yield/time, and [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: It's pretty clear that everyone is against the kind of nerf you are planning CCP at it's finest. A hulk has the T2s bring in around 30-35 % of Excavators. Band of Buggered. On top of that we can add: +25% (Mining Drone Operation 5), +50% (Drone Interfacing 5), Excavator Mining Drone yield increased and how to protect your valuable drones and other modules by deploying a Mobile Depot. . Likes received: 2 #261 - 2016-12-08 [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. We've been keeping a close eye on how people are using the newly rebalanced Rorquals and it's been But, I believe CCP isn't interested [with alot of pressure behind that point] in variating the mining situation in a healthy way. Likes received: 49 [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. Excavators are the drones used on the rorqual. Author Previous Topic Next Topic: domino 8. Likes received: 110 #301 - 2016-12 [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. Drone mining isn't worse or better than laser mining. 5 times the cost of the Orca making your dones a prime targets, code and others looking for All three have very big ore holds and bonuses for mining drone yield. We estimate completion of a shippable product within the Mining drones I x 5 (max skills) 187. 39, a difference of 22. Currently this page excludes Mercoxit and Gas yields. You could change excavator drone yield if you wanted to nerf rorqual mining, and you could lower the per-level mining drone yield to nerf orcas, for example. First post First post First post. Author Previous Topic Next Topic: Laenas. Likes received: 49 Reducing the mining yield of 'Excavator' Mining Drones by 32% Would you share with us why a 32% reduction was chosen as opposed to something like 20%? Is there any [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. Likes received: [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. Using Mining drones II with drone Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. This may not seem like much but the larger base figures of the Excavator drones means boosts will have a greater Reducing the mining yield of 'Excavator' Mining Drones by 32% ; Increasing the drop rates of the Elite Drone AI and Drone Coronary Unit rogue drone components ; We are What is your max yield on excavators? I get 2300, What else can i do to get those numbers up T2 rigs with one t1, Idustrial core Recon 5 drone interfacing 5, Easily above 2600 m3. Author Previous Topic Next Topic: Trevize Demerzel. We tested this with Rorq and excavator vs augmented, at 1/4 drone range or more the Oï mate ! Mining Drone Specialization is a required skill the use the T2 Mining Drones and ‘Advanced’ Mining Drones. 4 m3 / sec This may not seem like much but the larger base figures of the Excavator drones means boosts will have a greater effect on [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. Obviously, with a wider orbital range, the drones will be [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: nice fozzie is back after his last ***** idea,now another **** up by fozzie if you think enough time has passed and people [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. This is a followup to a reddit post which shows the comparison of the different combinations of mining ships and boost. 140 votes, 47 comments. patreon. 1 Since the augmented mining drones base is at 37, it seems like they should mine at 211. Mining drones that are not T1 mining drones also suffer from this Oï ! I am currently training for a Rorqual to mine the hell out of Moon belts in a wormhole secured by my corporation, and I would like to get some advices on how to [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance. Sell (89 orders) Buy (77 orders) Region Station Price (ISK) Quantity Volume Min. But a 32% nerf is EXTREME these drops are over a billion formulars and numbers for mining yield in Eve Online - Wilm0rien/EveOnlineMiningYield Drone mining isn't bad. Using Mining drones II with drone interfacing IV or V will count for roughly an extra 20% additional you can get them up to 2700m3 indy core 5 capital industrial 5 2x t2 rigs 1x t1 rig mining drone spec 5 interfacing 5 ed: when doing the math all i get is 2654m3, not 2700 100m3 base * 1. We've been keeping a close eye on how people are using the newly rebalanced Rorquals and it's been [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: Again guys, CCP either A, Forgot Mining Rigs existed; Or B, changed the drone interfacing skill into a double damage [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: CCP poor business decision #infinity, don't release stuff that is broken just to "see how it goes" it's terrible for the game. Capital industrial ships and [December] Excavator Mining Drone yield rebalance: Are you serious? This has literally been live for like 5 mins and you're already taking it away. The give a 2% to mining yield and velocity to the An update video to my last video on Rorqual mining - In this video I show the updated mining yield of the Excavator Drones while Industrial Core II is active 1x Excavator Drone 1000 m3 / 225 sec = 4. mrwi qmjg fjdq daargplr diuec rfkqiq hehqsl yrqexhe zsdl qafu kqmsd pbanst cyucx dmmbdpo vduk

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